ILTV Israel Daily News
Welcome to ILTV Israel Daily News podcast, your go-to podcast for insightful and in-depth coverage of Israel’s most pressing issues, stories, and developments. Join us as we delve into the heart of the matter, bringing you exclusive interviews, expert analysis, and on-the-ground reports that provide a comprehensive understanding of Israel’s dynamic landscape. From politics and security to culture and innovation, ILTV News delivers timely and authoritative content that keeps you informed and engaged. Whether you’re a local or a global listener, come along on this journey as we explore the diverse perspectives shaping Israel’s narrative. Tune in to ILTV News and stay ahead of the curve.
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Jerusalem changing course – Israeli ministers now calling on foreign donors to increase their aid for the Palestinians-
The P.A explicitly rewarding violence and riots against Israeli civilian communities.
Biblical history coming to life! An ancient Hellenistic ruin uncovered just ahead of the Hanukkah holiday.
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
New Israeli ally, Sudan, imploding under a military coup-
The tragic story of Eitan Biran potentially seeing its end
Miss Israel finally crowned ahead of this year’s miss universe competition – scheduled to be held in Eilat
Monday Oct 18, 2021
Monday Oct 18, 2021
Violence in the Arab-Israeli sector reaching a very grim milestone-
The state of Israel celebrating its new immigrants, or olim, despite the many challenges that face them once they arrive
A scuba diver surfacing from the dive of a lifetime, with 900 year old archaeological artifacts in hand.
Thursday Oct 14, 2021
Thursday Oct 14, 2021
Hamas talks of overthrowing Israel, while Gazan’s are desperately clamoring to enter Israel for work.
Israel, the U.S and U.A.E discuss ‘alternatives’ to the JCPOA, in Washington
A new medical cannabis bill finally passes thru its first reading in Knesset. But will it be enough to address the myriad of issues on the ground?
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Millions of Covid antigen tests arrive in Israel – just in time to keep the ‘Green Classrooms’ initiative on its feet
Foreign Minister Yair Lapid continues his tour of Washington DC
The mission to Mars is a go! But first, would-be astronauts will practice for the perilous journey, here in Israel
Monday Oct 11, 2021
Monday Oct 11, 2021
ILTV heads to Judea and Samaria for an exclusive with former secretary of state Mike Pompeo
American reform Jews question the necessity of Judaism’s oldest and most widely practiced tradition
Israeli Antiquities Authorities getting drunk on history. Archeologists in central Israel unveiling an enormous, and ancient winery.
Sunday Oct 10, 2021
Sunday Oct 10, 2021
A 16-year old boy dies from post-coronavirus syndrome, just as Israel is set to cut restrictions on school quarantines
Angela Merkel kicks off her final official visit to Israel with a meeting with Prime Minister Naftali Bennett
Iran announcing it has 120 kg of 20% enriched uranium, edging closer to nuclear capabilities
Thursday Oct 07, 2021
Thursday Oct 07, 2021
Over 2,000 young doctors and interns threaten to hand in their resignation letters over long working hours.
Ukraine unveils an interactive memorial after 80 years to commemorate the victims of the Babyn Yar Massacre during the Holocaust.
Google launches a pilot program here in Israel to optimize traffic lights by using artificial intelligence.
Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
Israel and the US discussing Iran, as the Ayatollahs push back against enormous ‘geopolitical changes’ in the region.
Israelis lobbing heavy criticism towards the Bennett-Lapid coalition; over its recent meetings with the Palestinian authority leadership. Can peace ever be achieved while abbas is in charge?
An ancient throne truly fit for a king, discovered in the city of David-Jerusalem.
Monday Oct 04, 2021
Monday Oct 04, 2021
A pandora’s box of secret documents leaked to the public. And hundreds of Israelis implicated in the so called Pandora-Papers.
An assassination attempt in Cyprus gone awry. But who called for the hit?-
Israel and Lebanon now set to come back to the negotiating table. The United States appointing a new mediator in their Mediterranean maritime border dispute.